I’m launching this token because I missed every single runner in this market and now it’s my turn to get back on top by launching a low level meme token with the bare minimum effort in the telegram. With the help of you degenerates, by Christmas i will hopefully stop trolling people online who are doing better than me, and finally move out of my moms basement. Please don’t snipe this, I’m using a contract creator and don’t have the technical experience to snipe it myself, so will need a really good entry in order to buy my own bags cheap. If you’ve read this until the end, you’re likely as down bad as I am and also need to find more productive ways to spend your time.


A token that was intended to be a test, that you filthy degenerates just couldn’t help but start buying. Introducing $MISSORR, For retards, by retards!

We are totally innit for the tech. Utility = moon. Send this to a billion!
